About Mona Cleaning

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So far Mona Cleaning has created 16 blog entries.

How Green Office Cleaning Boosts Your Business

2019-05-06T07:08:32+00:00January 30th, 2018|Categories: Cleaning, DIY|Tags: , |

If your business operates in an office building, commercial park or industrial complex, making it environmentally friendly might be a bit of a challenge. From the difficulty in enforcing bylaws to the fact that most buildings were not designed to [...]

5 Green Cleaning Tips & Tricks for a Healthier Home

2019-05-06T07:02:15+00:00January 29th, 2018|Categories: Cleaning, DIY, Green, Tips|Tags: , |

First, keeping your home clean keeps it healthier too. When dust, dirt and spills are left too long they can become home to a number of health risks, including dust mites, allergens, mold and mildew. But, just because it’s clean [...]

Get Rid of These Things Right Now

2019-05-06T06:58:37+00:00October 18th, 2017|Categories: Cleaning, Green, Tips|Tags: , |

When we last wrote about why fall is a great time for housecleaning, we talked about the need to declutter your garage before using it to store your summer patio furniture, gardening tools and sports equipment. Clutter is often thought [...]

How to Make Your Kitchen Look Cleaner Without Actually Cleaning It

2019-05-06T06:49:39+00:00September 13th, 2017|Categories: Cleaning, Tips|

The kitchen is the most unique room in your home for lots of reasons. First, you probably spend more time there than any other room (except your bedroom, but you’re sleeping for most of that time). Second, it’s the only [...]

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